Discover all the mobilities of the Project
- Germany
- Croatia
- Sweden
- Germany
- Türkiye
- Spain
- Lithuania
- Final Meeting
Planning and activities
LTT Seminar @ GSS
Project Development in the Time of Covid
C8 – Short Term Joint Staff Training Event
Activity - Day 1
- Welcome to GSS and Gütersloh, Germany! Tour of Our School
- Break: “Meet and Greet”
Participating Students & Staff of GSS
- Workshop: Activity List
Briefing / Updates / Website Development
- Method Workshop: “S.W.O.T.” Analysis: Mobilities
Country Specifics/ Intercultural Skills / COVID
- Workshop: Improving Collaboration and Communication
Hybrid Solutions/ eTwinning
Activity - Day 2
- Workshop: Project Based Learning
Research and Development: The Product Benchmarking and End Game Ideas for the
Final Report 2023
- Method Workshop:
The Power of Executive Functions
- Method Workshop: Hybrid Collaboration
“Best Practice Examples”
Collaboration and Communication
- Workshop: Healthy Snacks for Travel
Field Trip - Natural Wonders of OWL
- Method Workshop: Outdoor Classrooms
Best Practice Example: Be A.C.T.I.V.E, Be Happy! Hiking in our outdoor classroom
Activity - Day 3
- Method Workshop: The Importance of Project
Dissemination for Erasmus+ Projects
Cooperating with Local Government Officials & Agencies
- Special Guest: MEETING MAYOR NORBERT MORKES & LOTTE FOOTH from Europa Direct
- Digital Workshop:
eTwinning Feedback with Students and
Project Participants
Feedback and Improvements
Planning and activities
Planning and activities
Planning and activities
Planning and activities
Planning and activities
Planning and activities
Planning and activities
We closed the project in Barcelona analysing the results of this amazing three-year adventure, reflecting on our work and working on future plans: new eTwinning and Erasmus+ possibilities